Hello! it has been almost a month since i last did a posting. MAY, a busy and crucial month for me as i will be having my very LAST exam for my Diploma in SIM before i graduate. Time flies as everything seems as though it just happen yesterday but in 2 weeks time I'm graduating = . =! omg. how amazing!! It's has been 1 year 3 months. ha ha. I've been piled up by projects, projects and projects for the last few weeks and finally everything is over. Can't wait to sit for my exams in another 2 weeks time (:
Oreo Chocolate Pie

Mother's Day Present

The "QQrice"

At this point of time, 3 person flash through my mind. There are thoughts and feelings i wanted to tell them / share with them so much and yet i didn't make it to say to them face to face . . .
1) To my dearest Best^5 Friend, you seems to move on / getting better in your life. You seems like you've found your path / what u want in life. You seems like you're getting more sensible as i finally see the seriousness in you. BUT. . . you seems like. . . you are also drifting apart from me because of your busy schedule ): It seems like I REALLY WANT BACK MY OLD BEST^5 FRIEND!! haha. okie. enough of my nonsense.
2) To Jeff the LXY, I'm glad to know that you've care for yourself. At times, things are beyond our control and we can't simply change anything happening around/to us. All we can do is to make sure that we love ourself adequately so that we will not be much affected/hurt by what they've done to us. Thanks for the laughter you never fail to bring me every time we chat. Lastly, do remember that I'm always there (:
3) To " x.x.x " Though I hate the times when you're so irritating and despite many demoralizing things happened, thanks for your words of encouragement at that moment and standing "behind my back" supporting me. There are many times which i really wanted to give up, feeling exceptionally depressing, gloomy and joyless, yet you once again gave me the confidence to stand up strong and still.