Friday, February 27, 2009


Hello people!!!! I'm back in action :D I know some ladies & gents are complaining that my blog is collecting dust, my apologies for that. I'd a Macroeconmics test just last week, submitted my History of Management Thoughts assignment two days ago, attended lesson yesterday and here I am blogging today. Anyway, I've got another Employment relation assignment to submit next Friday!! So ya, I'm gonna skip my lunch and stay in the office just like how I did for the past one week to do my assignment, AGAIN!

February had been a busy yet enjoyable month for me (: Everything starts with Feb13, the Black Friday, whereby Mary Ann invited us to her home sweet home for some home-cooked dinner. Of course, chef of the day was none other than her, the lady who had left for Australia two weeks ago. Although it's said to celebrate Valentine's Day, but it's kinda like a farewell dinner for her too. Babe, see ya in one and half year time alright!!

This year, Mr Dylan Lee got me a bouquet of blue roses, a handmade card and a pink nitendo ds lite for Valentine's day. Everything was what I like. . and we had a simple dinner at Brewerkz Clarke Quay. Thanks babe! I love you :)

Very tasty home-cooked five course meal (includes: baked mushroom with cheese, salad, mushroom soup, pasta with mash potato & cheesecake) all self-made by Missy Mary Ann (:

Dearest and I

Rodney and Joyce

Edmund and Mary Ann

Keith and Melissa

The guys with their flowers

The other day, Feb 9, Mel and I met our dearest Pinko Ai Ai to celebrate her birthday at Ichiban causeway point. This sweetie turns 22 this year. . and yes, I'm turning 22 this year too. . That's so fast eh! Anw, Happy Birthday AiAi! Hope u've enjoy yourself and make good use of the gym ball to slim your tum tum (although u're very slim alrdy) alright!!

That's the three of us!

That's Pinko Aiai and I

That's dearest Mel and I

Just last Sunday, we celebrated Mr Rodney Sim's birthday at The Cathay. His sweetest gf, Missy Joycee, had organised a dinner at a Japanese Restuarant to celebrate his "80th" birthday for him. Ha ha. We also celebrated Vincent & Edmund birthday at the same time since their birthday were very close to one another. After the celebration, we went to catch the movie "He's just not that into you". I likey (: He he. Thanks everyone for accomodating me to watch that movie. Truely appreciates!

The same group of us

The Birthday Boys - Edmund, Vincent, Rodney

Dearest & I

Edmund called this the "candid" shot and claims that
this is the most natural among all the photos!

The Birthday Boy, Rod & his sweetie, Joyce!

The most loving couple - Cassan & Steven Ah Boo!

The other birthday boy - Vincent & Mei Jun!

Dearest & Edmund (one of the birthday boy too)

Kieth & Steven! (Melissa was busy studying for test)

The candids - a table full of food (:

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EDMUND as at of Today, 1st March 2009!! Hope you've enjoy yourself. A new horizon will be open up for you!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Last Saturday evening, all of us (the gang includes - Me, Dylan dearest, Joyce, Rod, Cassan, Steven, Kieth, Melissa, Tian Fa, Edmund, Mary Ann, Sebastian, Mambo & Jason) decided to have a steamboat c.u.m new year celebration @ Missy Joyce home sweet home. Setting was great, people were fun-loving, food was superb. . So what's more ?

Here's her cozy hm swt hm (:

Joyce the lady & Me with her piano

Dearest & Me

Here's our steamboat

That's us - Steven, Cassan, Joyce & Me

Look how busy we get to be.

The guys entertaining themselves with PS3

The "fun" with after dinner washing up.

And. . . we ended all the fun, mahjong, pokers, blackjacks, Tatboo
@ 8am in the morning with my two swollen eyes.

It was home sweet home after that and ya, this is currently my fave watch of the year. Hehe*

Thanks Joyce for being such a good host, and Cassan for being such a wonderful helper in the kitchen. Cheers!