Merry Christmas to all! Christmas was great! Enjoy every moment of it (: My dearest had bought me a POLO R LAUREN bag which is so nice and unique. It's for this season and he was told that there were only a few pieces in SG. Dearest and me had our presents exchanged when we reach home from my cousin house after the party. Both of us had 2 pressie for each other. First we told each other that the small one was the actual present. Which is this:

But actually this was to fool each other as inside the gold wrapped box was a cup and the red and gold wrapped box was a puzzle message. Haha. After some fooling around, i passed Dearest the present that i actually bought for him.
And when he open it up, he saw this:

Lol* i was like omg. it's so big. Dearest wrapped it up with a speaker box. When i open up, he told me this: "I was thinking that the speaker at your house is already old, so i tot that giving u a speaker would be great!" haha! But i was stunted when i open up the box. I hold my breath for a sec and i was like. . . OMG! I saw this in the box:

This is the Polo R Lauren Bag that i find it nice when we were walking around in town few weeks ago. It's nicer than the Gucci one as i saw many people having it alrdy. Dearest said he bought this because it's unique. He never see anyone carrying this anywhere before and i was like: "ya lor ya lor!" haha. So excited when i saw the bag. When i open up, it looks like this:

The actual color of the bag looks nice than it was in the picture. I duno why but perhaps it's because of the lightings. It's so classic! So nice.

On Christmas day itself, Dearest brought me to Orchard and Vivo city for a walk. There were so many people out there and to our surprise, most of the shops were open. People can even walk in the middle of the road infront of Takashimaya and Paragon:

After some walk around, we decided to move on to Vivo City. Over there, we saw the nicest Christmas Tree this year:

It would be nicer if u've been there to see it yourself. We walked around and dearest saw a Levi's watch that he likes it very much. The design and color is quite suitable for dearest. So after some consideration, he decided to own the watch:

Dearest bought me a rip curl bag at Vivo too cos he's afraid that i'll feel sad if i'm empty handed back home. haha. thks! The bag looks nice but i've forgotten to take the pics. Next time okie. Well, that's all folks! Have to get ready and go back to sch to collect the course notes. Tata~
P/s: Thks dear for the lovely present. I love you! I dun love u because u've bought me such an expensive present but because you had really piece up my life since the day i met u (: As for Best Friend, Merry Christmas to you! Hope u're doing fine at Thailand ya.