Well, I must say this is rather a fruitful week for me. Firstly, it's my dearest mum's birthday on 21st March. Went to a restaurant for seafood in the afternoon and shopping with her in the evening till dawn. After which was attending an Easter Day service at City Harvest (Expo) invited by Yan qin. I'm kinda impressed by the. . erm. . . EVERYTHING i must say, though it was only my first time there. Knew some new friends like Helen and Milie. People there are nice and friendly (: From what i see, Pastor Kong is really a good speaker who can influence people by his. . erm. . the way he speaks and he really have some kinda what we call "X-factor". I duno how to phrase it in black and white, but this is how i feel personally.
Anyway, thanks my BESTIE for the company to city harvest though he'd alrdy went there yesterday for the same drama. Haha. So nice of him. We headed to our first ever blading session at east coast park which I'd suggested for our so called "monthly" outing after the service. Bestie was great, he's so "zai" can. He never fall down at all! Unlike me having two bad fall ): But overall it's still great and fun. I love the beach, clear blue sky and his accompany. Feeling was great! At least this is the first outdoor sports we do together and I'm glad that he'd enjoy it too :) We'll try the "Kangaroo & skateboard" the next time okie Best^5 Friend! haha. Make sure that u persist on what you've promise yourself. I have faith that u can do it ya! Jia you!!
Anw, bought the Estee Lauder double wear foundation instead of the revlon one cos it smells like paint. I don't like it. Heard that both are equal good just that Estee Lauder has got more shades. Mum bought me this. Thanks*

To my dearest Best^5 Friend: Thanks for your accompany today. You'd made my day a really great one. It has really been ages since i last blade and thanks for your helping hand when i was about to fall and when i fell hard. You've made me felt what's true friendship! You don't have to worry, i will always forgive you for i will forget the bad you'd done to me. LOL!! I'll just merely not to friend u, that's all. haha. So u better start treating me better if u want me as friend! Never will i forget what you've said to me. As usual, we'll jia you together alright!! May god bless u (:
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