Friday, January 30, 2009


Happy Chinese new year boys and girls!! Haven't been updating ever since my school starts. Well, life is busy, busy & very busy. Busy attending school, birthdays, work, bai nian, shopping, gathering, gambling, eating & sleeping! Woohoo* Life is good and bad. Bad because projects deadline & exams are drawing nearer and nearer, sleeping time = lesser & lesser, free time = lesser & lesser. Good because people around me have been loving me - my friends, family & darling!

Anyway, Happy birthday to Shao Kai, Baby Jaron & "soon to be" birthday girl - Pinko Aiai!

Also, Cheer up to both my dearest Aiai & Best^5 friend Sebastian See ya. I know everything will be alright because the both of you are the strongest human kind I've know on earth. Walk through the darkest part of the forest and you will be able to see the rainbow soon. There's always ups and downs in life. Hatred, jealousy, feeling lost, depressed, etc, etc . But, what's more important is the faith you've in yourself, believing that life is still beautiful (:

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