Our dearest Melanie had just celebrated her 22nd Birthday this Saturday. I suggested Pasta de Waraku @ Hereen because I've heard rave about the food from several friends. Indeed, the food were tasty, filling and, most importantly, looks really appetizing. Hence, I strongly recommend those who have not visit Pasta de Waraku to give it a try!
Birthday Girl - Melanie, Me & Pinko Aiai

That morning, Mr Bf and I went for the Supreme Court (opposite Funan Mall) open house. The court was opened at 10am and we were so surprise to see an ultimate long Que outside the court when we reached around 10.30am! Nevertheless, this is a wonderful eye-opener and experience for us. The two "sua-kus" walked around and snap as many pictures as we could. We were even given the opportunity to put on the lawyer's robe and observe the enactment of a criminal trial at the Singapore's highest court, the Court of Appeal. We also sit-in for the enactments of civil proceedings which were pretty interesting as well b'cos it's rather similar to what you've learned in our lectures.

Yesterday, 15 March 2009, Mr Bf's 2nd brother had his ROM. We woke up early in the morning and waited excitedly for the solemner to arrive. The blissful couple treated us to a restaurant at the grassroots club after the ceremony.
Dearest and I
Dearest's Da Sao and I
Dearest Family and I
By the way, I'm confirmed with the Hong Kong Trip this coming May. I've got a pretty good deal from Focal Travel and everything including airport tax is $587 per pax for 4D3N, with additional $85 per pax for an additional night. That total up to $672 net per pax for 5D4N, which I personally think is quite reasonable. Finally get to travel to the Asia Hottest Shopping Spot - Hong Kong & to meet my dearest Mickey. Ha ha. Although many had told me that the Disneyland is "so-so" only, but I'm still very looking forward to it. Hurray! *Woohoo*
As for now, the most important thing is to work hard and do well for all my assignments, test and exams in order to enjoy myself for the trip. Cheers and jiayou to everyone who is on the same boat as me :)