I'm done with two modules and left with the last paper, Marcoeconomics. Have been busy mugging @ home. Very tedious I must say. Hopefully, I can make it. Wish me good luck. Gambatte!! Anyway, swine flu has hit Hongkong, which means we will probably have to cancel our trip if the situation worsen :( so sway can! sigh* Let see how it goes.
Mr Bf did this out of the blue while he was checking his hotmail. LOL, this is so funny.

Yesterday morning, I had breakfast with my family at Ang Mo Kio central. Mummy suggested to go to Tampines One after breakfast. So, we just went on. The mall was really crowded with lots & lots of people. We chilled out at the teadot after much walking, squeezing, etc.

Afterwhich, mummy bought sister and I two dresses each from Uniqlo :) Mummy loves!

Headed home @ around 7pm. Mummy, Dad & sister continue to head to JB for dinner while I went home to continue with my mugging. Good Luck to my dearest who is currently in the exam hall right now. My fighting spirit is with you, as always!
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