My dearest boyfriend is back from Mount Kinabalu... So wasted that I didn't get to join them for the conquering of SE Asia's highest mountain :( Well, I shall never miss it if there's a next time.. Was very surprise that he came straight from the airport once he touch down to pass me the souvenirs he bought. That was very sweet.. awww.. (: The pictures he captured were very cool... How I wish I were there too... Anyway, sometimes I'm just too emo shit.. I know I just think too much at times.. But then again, fail to plan = plan to fail.. Like what others always say - In the kingdom of the blind, the one eye man stands out... Yah!
Mount Kinabalu

The notes holder

Ferrero garden - Looks too nice to be eaten

The Dior

To my dearest family : Thanks for all the torlerence, love and support you have given me
To my best^5 friend: Happy 21st! I shall pass you the pressie very soon
To my dear missy Joyce: Cheer up babe, remember you are not alone. There's always ppl who cares for you. I know you can stand strong alone.
To my dear missy Cassan: The three of us shall meet up real soon for some catching up and u know.. the surprise *wink*.
To my dear Pinko & Mel aiais: Let's meet up soon after my assignment.. I miss you two dearies.
To my dear friend, Jeff: Gambate for your exam! Endure & hang on !! :)
Lastly, to my dearest boyfriend: Though things may not be going well at times, I know you are holding it on for me. It's tough on you I must say. I know u do care, i know u are nice. I don't know what to say beside thanks.. But I know there are more for me to sort it out. Luvs.
I strive to be a better person, a better daughter, a better girlfriend... I wish upon the star, casting the "bad" away..
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