Attended Melanie's Birthday Party at Arenda Country Club two days ago (: She's one of my good friend cum ai ren in my secondary school days. Memories overflown my mind when i come to think of the times we'd together. This year, all of us are turning 21! Time really flies like nobody business!! Here is a picture taken on the day itself.
Attended Melanie's Birthday Party at Arenda Country Club two days ago (: She's one of my good friend cum ai ren in my secondary school days. Memories overflown my mind when i come to think of the times we'd together. This year, all of us are turning 21! Time really flies like nobody business!! Here is a picture taken on the day itself.
Sharnon, ME, Melanie (Birthday Girl), Pinko (aiai) & Junius

Really had a great time meeting up with all my dearies at Mel's Birthday party, esp with Sharnon & Aiai. I miss them so so much. Not forgetting Junius who drove us there and back home. Thanks!
VECUA Smooth Contour Serum

Well, saw this VECUA smooth contour serum @ Patricia Mok's blog and she'd recommended this in Fann Wong's Variety show "Closet Affairs (In 女皇)". I've decided to give it a try since she said that it was quite effective on her. Traveled down to Holland Village after visiting the open house at SIM HQ. Thanks Mr Bf for being the best companion. Had subway after visiting Face Bistro for the serum. After that it was home sweet home (:
P/s: Dear Angeline, I felt guilty that i did not write a post on your birthday to wish u happy birthday because i'm having exam. Sorry ):
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