Hello People! Went to Grandma's Birthday @ Warren Country Club last Satuarday. Mr Bf was there too. Once again had pictures with my dearest Celeste, Janice, Cadance and not forgetting Mr Bf. It was a great gathering. I think almost 50 of us were present. We'd a feast over there. The common dishes are Shark Fins, Abalone, Scallop, Bei Jing Roasted duck, Lobster, prawns & etc.

That's Me with Celeste and Cadance

That's Mr Bf & Me after the dinner :)

One of the dishes that we had - lobster

The next day, Angline and I headed to Bugis for a walk. I suggested Bugis because it has been a long time since i last went there ): It's a fruitful trip for me i must say. Back home with a Racer back from M)phosis, my fav sweets and some fake lashes which i'd lost. Angline went home empty handed, sad huhs.
Pictures we took on the way there :)
Lastly, a good night to everyone cos im going to bed now. The peeps are coming to my house to install my waredrobe for me (: so excited. will take pictures of my new waredrobe once it's installed in my room ya. Good night!

P/s: i love you
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