Saturday, October 17, 2009
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1:23 PM
Friday, July 24, 2009
My dearest boyfriend is back from Mount Kinabalu... So wasted that I didn't get to join them for the conquering of SE Asia's highest mountain :( Well, I shall never miss it if there's a next time.. Was very surprise that he came straight from the airport once he touch down to pass me the souvenirs he bought. That was very sweet.. awww.. (: The pictures he captured were very cool... How I wish I were there too... Anyway, sometimes I'm just too emo shit.. I know I just think too much at times.. But then again, fail to plan = plan to fail.. Like what others always say - In the kingdom of the blind, the one eye man stands out... Yah!

To my dearest family : Thanks for all the torlerence, love and support you have given me
To my best^5 friend: Happy 21st! I shall pass you the pressie very soon
To my dear missy Joyce: Cheer up babe, remember you are not alone. There's always ppl who cares for you. I know you can stand strong alone.
To my dear missy Cassan: The three of us shall meet up real soon for some catching up and u know.. the surprise *wink*.
To my dear Pinko & Mel aiais: Let's meet up soon after my assignment.. I miss you two dearies.
To my dear friend, Jeff: Gambate for your exam! Endure & hang on !! :)
Lastly, to my dearest boyfriend: Though things may not be going well at times, I know you are holding it on for me. It's tough on you I must say. I know u do care, i know u are nice. I don't know what to say beside thanks.. But I know there are more for me to sort it out. Luvs.
I strive to be a better person, a better daughter, a better girlfriend... I wish upon the star, casting the "bad" away..
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Life is like a box of choc b'cos u will nv know what you gonna get
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I know this post came abit too late, still, I wanna say.... I LOVE HK! The boy and I were back from our 5D4N Hong Kong trip like about one month back and I missing everything in Hongkong & Macau. It was a fun and lovely trip. We woke up at 9am and sleep at 3am everyday. Life was all about 买东西吃东西! Cool! However, on the down side, it rained throughout our five days trip, booo!!! ;(
Nevertheless, we will definately be back again!
Our breakfast on the airplane
On the Disneyland train
To be continue...
Posted by
9:21 AM
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yesterday morning, I had breakfast with my family at Ang Mo Kio central. Mummy suggested to go to Tampines One after breakfast. So, we just went on. The mall was really crowded with lots & lots of people. We chilled out at the teadot after much walking, squeezing, etc.

Headed home @ around 7pm. Mummy, Dad & sister continue to head to JB for dinner while I went home to continue with my mugging. Good Luck to my dearest who is currently in the exam hall right now. My fighting spirit is with you, as always!
Posted by
10:19 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I just realized SQ has got this Fabulous All-In Fare to Hong Kong for just SGD$388 per pax net (SGD$776 net for 2 pax). *Prices are inclusive of airfares and all taxes and surcharges.* OMG!!! I'm like what?! So cheap!! Even cheaper than the pair of Cathay Pacific tickets that I bought & this is SQ leh!! :( So guys, if you are planning to go Hong Kong, grab your tickets from as they have got really good deals.

Still, it's okay, as I heard from friends that Cathay Pacific is as good and I'm still very looking forward to my Hong Kong Trip!! Do let me know if you have anything or any place to recommend in Hong Kong. Can't wait for the exams to end! Yes, my first paper is on 27 April & the last one on 8th May. It starts with History of Management thoughts to Employment Relations, and lastly Macroeconomics.
Anyway, we celebrated Mummy's birthday on 21st March @ Jumbo. Great dinner with my dearest mum, dad, sister and bf.

Before I end, something caught my eye when I was on the bus back home that day after meeting my best^5 friend. I thought it may be good to share with all of you - Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter :)
Posted by
9:42 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Our dearest Melanie had just celebrated her 22nd Birthday this Saturday. I suggested Pasta de Waraku @ Hereen because I've heard rave about the food from several friends. Indeed, the food were tasty, filling and, most importantly, looks really appetizing. Hence, I strongly recommend those who have not visit Pasta de Waraku to give it a try!
Birthday Girl - Melanie, Me & Pinko Aiai

That morning, Mr Bf and I went for the Supreme Court (opposite Funan Mall) open house. The court was opened at 10am and we were so surprise to see an ultimate long Que outside the court when we reached around 10.30am! Nevertheless, this is a wonderful eye-opener and experience for us. The two "sua-kus" walked around and snap as many pictures as we could. We were even given the opportunity to put on the lawyer's robe and observe the enactment of a criminal trial at the Singapore's highest court, the Court of Appeal. We also sit-in for the enactments of civil proceedings which were pretty interesting as well b'cos it's rather similar to what you've learned in our lectures.

Yesterday, 15 March 2009, Mr Bf's 2nd brother had his ROM. We woke up early in the morning and waited excitedly for the solemner to arrive. The blissful couple treated us to a restaurant at the grassroots club after the ceremony.
Dearest and I
Dearest's Da Sao and I
Dearest Family and I
By the way, I'm confirmed with the Hong Kong Trip this coming May. I've got a pretty good deal from Focal Travel and everything including airport tax is $587 per pax for 4D3N, with additional $85 per pax for an additional night. That total up to $672 net per pax for 5D4N, which I personally think is quite reasonable. Finally get to travel to the Asia Hottest Shopping Spot - Hong Kong & to meet my dearest Mickey. Ha ha. Although many had told me that the Disneyland is "so-so" only, but I'm still very looking forward to it. Hurray! *Woohoo*
As for now, the most important thing is to work hard and do well for all my assignments, test and exams in order to enjoy myself for the trip. Cheers and jiayou to everyone who is on the same boat as me :)
Posted by
9:07 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
His Needs, Her Needs.
I came across Weiling's blog and find this entry very useful for couples! So, I decided to share it in my blog. Credit goes to
Pastor’s sermon over the 3 weekends was great! His sermon was based on a book “HIS NEEDs, HER NEEDs” which i had finished reading 8 months ago. Somehow, with Pastor’s preaching and the drama team, it makes the understanding so much easier.
1. Affection
2. Conversation
3. Openness and Honesty
4. Financial Support
5. Family Commitment
1. Sexual Fulfillment
2. Recreational Companion
3. Attractive Spouse
4. Domestic Support
5. Admiration
Like what Pastor mentioned, some of the needs seem very trivial, but to the one who needs them, it’s something important. Many relationships, be it married or dating couple, broke down because of the lack of knowledge of their partner needs. In the end their other half can only get it from somebody else outside.
This is where the concept of LOVE BANK comes in. Everybody will open an account when you interact with him/her. When every couple starts courting, they will try their best to present themselves and compromises, in the end a lot of love units are deposited. Somehow as times goes by, the spark and excitement dies off, especially when both parties make no effort to keep it going.
I read another book that says Habit is behavioral patterns that become automatic and almost effortless when repeated often enough. After getting together for long, we should know what are the habits that will make deposit or withdrawal. Therefore, it’s very important to kick off those habits that make withdrawal and form those which deposit.
I think it’s really a very good sermon especially for those who have been together for a while, be it courting or married. It’s like a knowledge placed in us which we can used for life, i don’t believe in honeymoon period, the sweetness and love should be for eternal.
Posted by
5:15 PM