This is what i've learn today:
if u want somebody to see ur point of view, he or she gotta see the benefits of doing so'
it's's natural for human to be self-centred..
For example:
when u look at a group photo, the first person u will look out for will most likely be yourself. So base on this theory, sometimes... u need to know dat u have to take a step order to move forward. So, u can't just expect ur partner to do wad u want. U need to know wad he or she wants as well. Thus, compromising is important.
At times, when u're angry, try not to talk to yr partner cos when u are angry, u tend to say the wrong things. BUT u can't just let it go so it's good to discuss abt it after u feel better and less angry
cos if u just brush aside the issue, the same thing will repeat itself and these repetitions will turn the relationship sour..
Always say i love you to yr partner from time to time and of course it has to come from the heart.
Whenever yr partner says smth or is angry abt smth, then you have to assess. Think whether it's reasonable.. cos there must be a reason why yr partner complains.
Basically TRUST is like flying kites?
U cannot hold the string too tightly, or the kites wun fly. U can't let it fly too high... or it will break away. haha. It's a very simple logic yet very profound at the same time.
Most importantly, use ur heart to love... use the brain to assess! Cos sometimes, ppl use the heart to think and assess situations. I'm one of them. but sometimes when it comes, it really comes..
There are many good guys... Dun get urself stuck with a bad one, just becos u feel dat u love him..
I said: " but im not a nice girl also, so cannot say that he's not nice, u see? It's not easy to find a nice guy unless u're a really nice girl."
So there it goes: "hm.. maybe i shud put it this way, if he doesn't make u happy, dun hang on. . cos sometimes u have to do justice to urself. Not in that sense dat if he is going through down times....then u shud leave him.."
yar, thks for that (:
I think I should cheer up and think more of the postive. We are still young and full of energy yea?! We need to see the positive to do the positive. I have passion and dreams yet to be fulfilled but i know i will make it come true one day. Ren shen shi hen jing cai de!! cheers~
I miss her, the really happy me. Simple, happy and carefree (:
if u want somebody to see ur point of view, he or she gotta see the benefits of doing so'
it's's natural for human to be self-centred..
For example:
when u look at a group photo, the first person u will look out for will most likely be yourself. So base on this theory, sometimes... u need to know dat u have to take a step order to move forward. So, u can't just expect ur partner to do wad u want. U need to know wad he or she wants as well. Thus, compromising is important.
At times, when u're angry, try not to talk to yr partner cos when u are angry, u tend to say the wrong things. BUT u can't just let it go so it's good to discuss abt it after u feel better and less angry
cos if u just brush aside the issue, the same thing will repeat itself and these repetitions will turn the relationship sour..
Always say i love you to yr partner from time to time and of course it has to come from the heart.
Whenever yr partner says smth or is angry abt smth, then you have to assess. Think whether it's reasonable.. cos there must be a reason why yr partner complains.
Basically TRUST is like flying kites?
U cannot hold the string too tightly, or the kites wun fly. U can't let it fly too high... or it will break away. haha. It's a very simple logic yet very profound at the same time.
Most importantly, use ur heart to love... use the brain to assess! Cos sometimes, ppl use the heart to think and assess situations. I'm one of them. but sometimes when it comes, it really comes..
There are many good guys... Dun get urself stuck with a bad one, just becos u feel dat u love him..
I said: " but im not a nice girl also, so cannot say that he's not nice, u see? It's not easy to find a nice guy unless u're a really nice girl."
So there it goes: "hm.. maybe i shud put it this way, if he doesn't make u happy, dun hang on. . cos sometimes u have to do justice to urself. Not in that sense dat if he is going through down times....then u shud leave him.."
yar, thks for that (:
I think I should cheer up and think more of the postive. We are still young and full of energy yea?! We need to see the positive to do the positive. I have passion and dreams yet to be fulfilled but i know i will make it come true one day. Ren shen shi hen jing cai de!! cheers~

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