Sadness and deadness filled up my room. An exceptionally saded day. I'm stucked here for many many hours. Just as dead as it may look.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Posted by
5:52 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Well, I must say this is rather a fruitful week for me. Firstly, it's my dearest mum's birthday on 21st March. Went to a restaurant for seafood in the afternoon and shopping with her in the evening till dawn. After which was attending an Easter Day service at City Harvest (Expo) invited by Yan qin. I'm kinda impressed by the. . erm. . . EVERYTHING i must say, though it was only my first time there. Knew some new friends like Helen and Milie. People there are nice and friendly (: From what i see, Pastor Kong is really a good speaker who can influence people by his. . erm. . the way he speaks and he really have some kinda what we call "X-factor". I duno how to phrase it in black and white, but this is how i feel personally.
Anyway, thanks my BESTIE for the company to city harvest though he'd alrdy went there yesterday for the same drama. Haha. So nice of him. We headed to our first ever blading session at east coast park which I'd suggested for our so called "monthly" outing after the service. Bestie was great, he's so "zai" can. He never fall down at all! Unlike me having two bad fall ): But overall it's still great and fun. I love the beach, clear blue sky and his accompany. Feeling was great! At least this is the first outdoor sports we do together and I'm glad that he'd enjoy it too :) We'll try the "Kangaroo & skateboard" the next time okie Best^5 Friend! haha. Make sure that u persist on what you've promise yourself. I have faith that u can do it ya! Jia you!!
Anw, bought the Estee Lauder double wear foundation instead of the revlon one cos it smells like paint. I don't like it. Heard that both are equal good just that Estee Lauder has got more shades. Mum bought me this. Thanks*

To my dearest Best^5 Friend: Thanks for your accompany today. You'd made my day a really great one. It has really been ages since i last blade and thanks for your helping hand when i was about to fall and when i fell hard. You've made me felt what's true friendship! You don't have to worry, i will always forgive you for i will forget the bad you'd done to me. LOL!! I'll just merely not to friend u, that's all. haha. So u better start treating me better if u want me as friend! Never will i forget what you've said to me. As usual, we'll jia you together alright!! May god bless u (:
Posted by
4:31 PM
Labels: Don't be bitter be BETTER
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Have not been updating for quite a little while because i've just extracted my wisdom tooth last week. Didn't really do much for the week as i've been resting at home waiting for the wound to recover (: Went Kbox with sist on Sunday though haven't totally recover. hehe* Therefore, you can see that my face is still a little swollen in the pictures taken.

Anw, bought this fake lashes applicator at Sasa yesterday as i pass by Jurong Point to remove my stitches at Jurong Medical Centre. Heard that it's very easy to fix fake lashes with this. It's from Japan and heard from the sales assistance that it's a very popular product in the store nowadays. Heard raves about Revlon Colorstay Liquid foundation. Shall try it real soon (:
Read this from Desmond Koh's blog:
P/s: Best^5 Friend, thanks for all the wishings. I really Miss you can!
To: Mr Bf, you're my best mate/ companion/ listener/encouragement AS USUAL. I love you like i always do. Maybe just a little more each day <3
Posted by
4:49 PM
Labels: In a relationship it doesn't matter who's Right but who Left
Monday, March 10, 2008
Attended Melanie's Birthday Party at Arenda Country Club two days ago (: She's one of my good friend cum ai ren in my secondary school days. Memories overflown my mind when i come to think of the times we'd together. This year, all of us are turning 21! Time really flies like nobody business!! Here is a picture taken on the day itself.

Really had a great time meeting up with all my dearies at Mel's Birthday party, esp with Sharnon & Aiai. I miss them so so much. Not forgetting Junius who drove us there and back home. Thanks!

Well, saw this VECUA smooth contour serum @ Patricia Mok's blog and she'd recommended this in Fann Wong's Variety show "Closet Affairs (In 女皇)". I've decided to give it a try since she said that it was quite effective on her. Traveled down to Holland Village after visiting the open house at SIM HQ. Thanks Mr Bf for being the best companion. Had subway after visiting Face Bistro for the serum. After that it was home sweet home (:
P/s: Dear Angeline, I felt guilty that i did not write a post on your birthday to wish u happy birthday because i'm having exam. Sorry ):
Posted by
10:25 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hello People! Went to Grandma's Birthday @ Warren Country Club last Satuarday. Mr Bf was there too. Once again had pictures with my dearest Celeste, Janice, Cadance and not forgetting Mr Bf. It was a great gathering. I think almost 50 of us were present. We'd a feast over there. The common dishes are Shark Fins, Abalone, Scallop, Bei Jing Roasted duck, Lobster, prawns & etc.

The next day, Angline and I headed to Bugis for a walk. I suggested Bugis because it has been a long time since i last went there ): It's a fruitful trip for me i must say. Back home with a Racer back from M)phosis, my fav sweets and some fake lashes which i'd lost. Angline went home empty handed, sad huhs.

Posted by
6:10 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hi people! Today is the last paper for my examinations which means school holiday starts from today! Woohoo. This is the last paper i sat for the exam, Business Finance. Hopefully i don't get Cs & Ds!! Life's hectic for the past few weeks due to preparation for exams. I have been burning mid-night oil for three consecutive nights without quality sleep. In fact, it should be one/two weeks ago that i started to stay up late for some "not-so-productive" revisions. hehe*
These are the sweet treats i've bought to reward myself for being such a good girl :) lol. I know that is ridiculous. Anw, these donuts are really yummy yummy especially the cheese ones which is one of my favs. Oh, before i forget, i'd a wonderful Valentines day with my bf. We headed to bugis for dinner at Tian Tian steamboat since it's the place i always wanted to go and try. Didn't expect to see so many couples having steamboat on Valentines and due to full-house, some were even waiting at the carpark infront of the shop house. Oh ya, i saw Adriano and his gf too (: Well, i shall say that the soup is quite nice and there are many variety of food. So much that i nearly puke after the meal. Lol.

Tomorrow grandma is celebrating her Birthday at Warren Country Club. Shall update again ya people (: Lastly,

Posted by
12:15 PM
Labels: Life can be sweet at times (: